Saturday, 3 May 2014

EU Elections and 'political animals'

I’ve tried to spot check three candidates in the three leading parties in the South East of England for the European Elections: Labour, Conservative and UKIP candidates - from a disinterested point of view. Who are the people we are being asked to vote to represent us in EU? What are their real interests ? What kind of ‘political animals’ are they? I wanted to see if I could personally identify with any of them, but I find that I am not any of these 'animals'.  Nevertheless, I will still vote on the key issue which seems to me to be this issue: Do we, resident in the UK, want to be completely governed quite soon, by an ever-closer political union, based in Brussels?

Labour candidates in South East for European Elections
Very widely interested in unfocused lesser or 'soft' political issues. They seem to be 'into everything' - a hotchpotch of health, diet, animals, votes for 16 year olds, rail fares, shark protection  - while wearing dapper suits. They champion a good deal of lost causes - such as rail fares in the South East. This is the most media-aware of the parties.
Fashion statement: sharp, but strangely shiny suits
Political animal: enthusiastic, bubbly, busy - but as unfocused as the family puppy.

James Watkins
Chris Clark
Emily Westley

Conservative candidates in South East for European Elections
They seem very interested in public service roles and in professional careers in politics, particularly in sitting on EU committees, with some interest in key local issues, such as jobs. Many seem to be plodding on serving their time until retirement. Publicity photos make them look tired - they probably are! These are 'long hours' people.
Fashion statement: “We are not making a fashion statement - we are ordinary workers like everyone else”
Political animal: horses in harness

Richard Ashworth - already a MEP sitting on EU Committees on agriculture
Marta Andreasen - already an MEP sitting on budget control comittee etc
Julie Marson - local councillor Kent active on local issues

UKIP candidates in South East for European Elections
They seem loners who do not seem interested in their careers or money, or in public service roles and sitting on committees - but they are very interested in the balance of power and influence. They utterly despise mess, complexity and waste: 'no nonsense' types. They are somewhat unpredictable but highly attuned to atmosphere and opportunity. UKIP political talent seems rather limited, except at the very highest level.
Fashion statement: clean, respectable, traditional and, sartorially, boring
Political animal: cats living with a dog

Nigel Farage - Leader of UKIP, MEP for 15 years and former City trader
Nigel Jones, UKIP - a blogger for the Daily Mail here attacking Cameron
Simon Strutt Marketing Consultancy
Stood for “Cut the Deficit” party in 2010 and got 107 votes, but now standing for UKIP.

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