Sunday 3 March 2013

Community Organic Garden: a work in progress

I had a long interesting talk at our community allotment with a local gardener and took these photos (attached) of our future organic community garden.   The intention is to work without pesticides and that those who help cultivate it, will take produce from it. Thankfully, we have some experienced gardeners in our small team.

The garden is still in its early stages of development, and, as you can see, we need someone with real muscle power to turn over the rest.  I had a fascinating conversation with a man ably tilling his own allotment about "improving the local tilth" which is clay. Clay needs lifting and lightening with sand or compost for vegetables to grow in it.

He told me to look up the "Minister of Food" information (see below) prepared for people in the UK during the Second World War (online) which, stage by stage, tells you how to lay out a vegetable garden.

This conversation has rather inspired to start raised beds at home, using our own leaf mould.  There is nothing like chatting to people who work with the soil to build up one's knowledge - far better than reading books on the subject!

Ministry of Food information on growing your own food

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